The Tracy Island Trio

This page is all that remains of the legendary founders of Instrumental Yacht Rock (IYT), The Tracy Island Trio. The band hailed from the little-known nation of Las Islas Tracias (Tracy Island), a small island-state with a unique history, reflected in the band’s special melange of influences. The earliest records of Las Islas Tracias date to the Viking period when Arno the Imbecile set off from Norway heading for the northeast of England. Arno’s navigation skills were limited and his longboat ended-up instead in what became modern-day Pinataville, the nation’s capital. As a result Tracy Island’s native language is a mixture of Spanish, Portuguese and Norwegian, making it almost impossible to speak and favoring the emergence of a strongly Instrumental flavor of local music.

Western audiences mostly embraced the smooth stylings of the trio (some audiences with unsophisticated ears suspected that the band were playing the wrong notes) which they themselves described as “a brand of modern jazz that relies on both dissonance and consonance”.

This site is dedicated to the search for the trio and the hope that they will reform to do a series of NPR Tiny Desk concerts or other white-people favorites.  The original trio were:

Jorge Colada (guitar)
Preston Montgomery III (bass, keyboards)
Guillermo Rumcoke (drums)

Jorge has been spotted in NYC playing to whoever will listen, Preston is rumored to be working on cruise ships, while Guillermo’s unfortunate addiction to coconuts prevents him from traveling too far from a ripe coconut, limiting the number of venues that will accept the band. Please, if you see or hear of them, like this page, leave a comment, and let them know the world needs the smoothness of Instrumental Yacht Rock more than ever!


Thanks to our sponsor The Turunn Tribune for their continued support!